Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Take Flight Max, Take Flight

Title: Take Flight Max, Take Flight
Artist: Uncle Peter
Date: December 23, 2000

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris--
    Thank you for posting the art from Peter. I especially treasure this one and his wish for Max--What a strong and loving gift from an uncle to his nephew--I hope Max can take these words to heart. Although Peter was with you such a short time, he was able to say more with his art than most of us can who live to "old age". He continues to tell you how much he loved his strong and special family and how thankful he was to be your brother (and an uncle to his nephews and neices). When I look at these paintings I can understand how far away from "himself" he was when he was in New Orleans and doing police work. Take care..Marty
